


Momentum, heat and mass transport phenomena can be found everywhere in nature . Even early morning activities such as boiling and egg or making tea are governed by laws which will by Treated here . A solid understanding of the principles of these transport processes is essential for those who apply this science in practice , e . g. Chemical and process engineers . The history of teaching transport phenomena went from a practical but less fundamental approach via a short period of a practical and academic approach, to the present sophisticated approach . Our experience in education and in industry is that today’s abstraction does not appeal to all students and engineers , who may feel themselves easily lost in vast literature and difficult mathematics . Hence, our objective in writing this book was to digest the enormous amount of new knowledge and present it in a form useful for those who work as professional engineers or who study engineering. The present book incorporates much fundamental knowledge, but we have also always tried to illustrate the practical application of the theory. On the other hand, we have included practical information and have not shied away from giving one or two useful empirical correlations, wher theory would have been too difficult . The book is based on the text for a course in transport phenomena given by W . j . Beek at Delft University from 1962 to 1968. Parts of the last draft have been used, together with most problems encountered in three postgraduate courses. Each chapter ends with a number of problems which form an integral part of the book ,We would like to ask the student to try to solve as many of these problems as possible—this is the best way to absorb and digest the theory . We have given the answers to all of the problems so that the reader can check his results . Where we expected difficulties to arise, we have explained some problems in greater detail . Furthermore , we have invented ‘John’, our scientiflc sleuth, and we hope that the reader likes his way of solving problems . The reason for his ability to do so is evident : he has read the present book and has worked through the problems!

