
作者(美)卡耐基(Carnegie,D.) 著

Book DescriptionThe Quick & Easy Way to Effective SpeakingModern Techniques for Dynamic CommunicationPart of IntroductionDale Carnegue Began teaching his first speaking course in 1912 fir tge YMCA at 125th Street in New York City. In those days, public speaking was regarded as an art, rather than as a skill, and its teaching aims were directed toward producing orators and platform giants of the silver-tongued variety. The average business or professional man who merely wanted to express himself with more ease and self-confidence in his own milieu did not wish to spend his time or money studying mechanics of speech, voice production, rules of rhetoric, and formalized gestures. Dale Carnegie's courses in effective speaking were immediately successful because they gave these men the results they wanted. Dale approached public speaking not as a fine art requiring special talents and aptitude, but as a skill which any normally intelligent person could acquire and develop at will.Today, the Dale Carnegie courses circle the globe and the validity of Dale Carnegie's concept is attested to by thousands of his students everywhere, men and women from every walk of life, who have successfully improved their speaking as well as their personal effectiveness.About AuthorDale Carnegie (1888-1955) was a pioneer in public speaking and personality development. He got good reputation by showing others how to become successful. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People(1936) has sold more than 10 million copies and has been translated into many languages. His books usually have characteriscs of illustrative stories and simple, well-phrased rules. His other books include How to Stop Worrying and Start Living(1948).Toward the beginning of his career, Carnegie wrote Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business(1931), which became a standard text.Book Dimension : length: (cm)17                 width:(cm)10.7

CARBEGLE,DALE(1888-1955),was a pioneer in public speaking and personality development .He got good reputation by showing others how to become successful .His book How to Win Friends and Influence People(1936)has sold more than 10 million copies and hand been translate into many languages .His books usually have characteristics of illustrative stories and simple, well-phrased rules. His other books in include How Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948).Toward the beginning of his career ,Carnegie wrote Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business(1931),Which became a standard text.

